Nature Photography Fundamentals Preset Pack

Storms 1 .png
Sunset Direct 1.png
Macro 1 .png
Sunrises Indirect 1.png
Sunrise (Indirect Light) 1.png
Waterfalls 1.png
Sunrise Direct 1 .png
Lake 1.png
Mountains 1 .png
Forests 1.png
Storms 1 .png
Sunset Direct 1.png
Macro 1 .png
Sunrises Indirect 1.png
Sunrise (Indirect Light) 1.png
Waterfalls 1.png
Sunrise Direct 1 .png
Lake 1.png
Mountains 1 .png
Forests 1.png

Nature Photography Fundamentals Preset Pack


The Nature Photography Fundamentals Preset Pack gives you all the necessary filters to start your nature photography journey. This preset pack is for use with Adobe©️ Lightroom©️, Lightroom©️ Classic, Lightroom©️ Mobile, and Photoshop©️. The pack includes 10 presets for various situations which include forests, lakes, macro, mountains, storms, sunsets (direct light), sunsets (indirect light), sunrises (direct light), sunrises (indirect light), and waterfalls.

The preset pack is a great starting point for your photography if you are looking to emulate my style through color and vibrancy. Each preset is highly exposure dependent and adjustments to highlights, lights, shadows, and color composition may be needed on individual photos.

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